Q&A | Food tips for Active Women


Q: How much protein an active woman needs and when?

A: Women need about 1.8-2.3g of protein per kilo body weight, and between 30-40g around exercise. So, the easiest way to meet your needs is by eating a little protein before exercise (10-15g), a protein rich meal or snack after training (20-30g) and then regularly throughout the day - about every 3-4 hours and 15-25g.

Q: Should we be hungrier/do we need to eat more on our period?

A: Hormones are low during your period, so if you’re doing a lot of exercise and training, you’re naturally using more of your carbohydrate stores - which can make you hungrier if you’re not eating enough for your body…plus your brain for focus and concentration. Fuel around training and eat regularly throughout the day with protein, healthy fats and fibre to keep you fuller and reduce cravings too. Our Energy Bites are a great snack for this time, and also yoghurt with fruit + muesli / nuts

Q: What’s some good post run food?

A: Smoothies, nut bars, meals with protein, grains and colour; yoghurt and muesli with nuts, cheese and crackers, milky drinks like coffee or chocolate milks and fruit with nut butter are all good recovery foods - plus the below!

Q: What role does the contraceptive pill play in terms of hormone levels and how can that effect training?

A: The OCP causes little rises in your hormones each day when you take the pill (regardless of mono, bi or triphasic), and so you’re essentially in a high hormone state for the three weeks you take it. This is the time when you can do heavy lifting and follow a classic 3 weeks on, 1 week off periodisation. It also means you’re more in a catabolic (breaking down) and inflammatory state - so focus on regular protein (2-2.3g/kg/BW) and plenty of fruits, veggies, nuts, seeds and healthy fats. 

Q: How much more do you have to eat to build and maintain lean muscle?

A: To build lean muscle you need to be in a positive energy balance - so eat more than your body uses. It’s also helpful to aim to eat around 2.3g per kilo body weight of protein and fuel around training. Carbohydrates are just as important too!

Q: I find when I am nearing my period I fatigue during my sessions and my recovery is slow. Are their any foods I should incorporate into my diet during this time to ease this?

A: Make sure you’re eating carbohydrates regularly throughout the day, and if you’re doing long sessions (2+ hours), doing a small carbohydrate load could help to top up your muscle stores are you’re starting to use these more easily. Inflammation is starting to rise too, so making sure you’re getting enough rest and eating plenty of fruits, veggies, nuts, seeds, avocado and oils will help mitigate this. 

AROUND TRAINING: Focus on carbohydrate (+ little protein) before training, carbohydrates during if training more than 80-90 mins, and then protein + carbohydrates after. This will help maintain energy levels and concentration. Eating regular protein will also help get in iron rich foods which are important to replace with blood losses.

Q: My performance fluctuates a lot. I have good days on the bike or running and very bad ones. What should I do to be more balanced/steady?

A: Start by tracking your cycles (if not on OCP).Then you’ll be able to see when you’re in a high or low phase and eat according to this. It will help fuel around training to maximise energy. For example, some weeks you may need to eat more before training, or during to sustain energy to muscles. If you have a coach, chat to them about altering your training too. 

Q: Is eating Vegan food/diet okay for active women?

A: Yes this is fine, as long as you’re eating around exercise and eating a range of protein rich foods and meeting energy needs. Try to eat regularly: tofu, tempeh, nuts, seeds, fortified soy milk, grain bread, brown rice, quinoa, fruits, beans, lentils.

Q: Thoughts on tracking your period for training purposes?

A: Yes! Track so you know what your body is doing and how you can alter your training and food to support this :) 

Q: How to avoid over exercise or undereating that make you miss your period?

A: Fuelling around training and eating regularly throughout the day is key! Carbohydrates before, during and after training with protein; healthy fats like avocado, nuts, oils, oily fish and seeds is important during the day too. 

  • If you struggle to eat around exercise, start practising with small amounts and your body will adjust.

  • If you’re not hungry after training, try liquid foods and dairy foods like smoothies, milky drinks, yoghurt…then eat a meal an hour or two after.