Q&A | Plant-based Eating

Plant based eating means eating more or mainly plants in your diet. This looks different for everyone and can vary from flexitarian, vegetarian or vegan (plant-only).

Plant based eating means eating more or mainly plants in your diet. This looks different for everyone and can vary from flexitarian, vegetarian or vegan (plant-only).


Q: Do I need to eat tofu to meet my protein needs?

A: No, you don’t need to eat tofu to meet your protein needs. There are many plant based foods rich in protein, so eating a variety of these throughout the day and across the week will help meet your needs:

  • Beans and lentils

  • Nuts & seeds & nut butters

  • Nutritional yeast

  • Whole grains (breads, brown rice, quinoa, wholemeal pasta, couscous, grain crackers)

  • Dairy foods if you include these (milk, yoghurt and cheese)

  • Eggs (if you include these)

Q: What are good iron rich foods to be eating?

A: Lots of plant based iron rich foods are also protein rich. So, it makes it a little easier to meet needs if you’re already eating a variety of:

  • Beans and lentils (black beans, kidney beans, chickpeas)

  • Nuts and seeds (particularly peanut butter, tahini and cashews)

  • Tofu

  • Dried apricots and raisins

  • Grain breads and some fortified cereals

Q: How do I manage increased or high intensity training and meeting energy needs?

A: Using your plate model tool is handy for adjusting your intake to support training loads and energy needs. Aim to serve your meals with a 1/3 of each: carbohydrates, protein and veggies. This will help supply a balance of nutrients you need for recovery and fuelling for the next session. Adding snacks around training and between meals can also help.

Visual for Training Loads plate model.png

Q: What are good plant based recovery foods for athletes? And what if I don’t feel like eating for 1-2 hours after finishing?

A: What you eat before, during and after training all impacts your “recovery nutrition”. Plus, what you eat throughout the day. It’s best to aim for regular amounts of protein every 3-4 hours across the day, with around 15-30g at a time. This could be a balanced meal 1-2 hours after, or a protein rich snack soon after, followed by a meal 2-3 hours later. Some of our favourite recovery foods include:

  • Nut butter on toast or crackers (6-15g protein)

  • Eggs or scrambled tofu on toast (20g protien)

  • Roasted chickpeas, nut bar, baked beans (10-15g protein)

  • Milky drink (cow’s or fortified soy) or yoghurt with nuts/ muesli / fruit (9-15g protein)

  • Smoothie with fruit and milk - good if you don’t feel like eating after training

  • Whey, soy or pea protein powder with water/ milk or in a smoothie (usually a serve will provide 20-25g protein)

Q: Do I need to take supplements?

A: Depending on your diet and history of nutrient deficiencies, you may not need to take a supplement. So, it’s best to talk to your GP or dietitian about taking supplements. Getting regular routine blood tests is also helpful for managing levels.

  • If you are eating plants only (vegan) = we recommend taking a B12 supplement

  • If you don’t eat seafood = an omega 3 supplement is beneficial

Q: Should I be using protein powder, and if so, which should I choose?

A: Protein powders aren’t essential for all plant based eaters or athletes. They can be helpful though if you struggle to meet your needs with foods first, or have high requirements. Protein powders and sports foods can also be helpful if you’re on the go after training, have limited time to prepare or eat food, struggle to eat food after training, or need an option that can stay in your bag or car.

Look for whey protein isolate, pea or soy protein isolate powders for optimal dose of protein and leucine (an amino acid that helps build lean muscle). For competitive athletes in particularly, looking for tested products is best to know they are safe from banned substances. Look for the logos: Informed Sport, Informed Choice and HASTA. You can also download apps that help you identify banned substances and the best products to use.

Q: Any suggestions for constipation when taking an iron supplement?

A: Increasing your water intake during the day and around the time you take your supplement can help. Taking a mega dose every few days may also be an alternative, which you can speak to your GP about. If you still experience uncomfortableness, using a Lucky Iron Fish or Leaf may be helpful for boosting the iron content of meals (this isn’t sponsored).