Q&A | Fuelling Long Distance Running

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Q: I get to a point where I can’t stomach any food or fluid, how can I avoid this ?

A: Taking on different types of carbohydrates can help maximise your absorption of carbohydrates and reduce feeling sick, vomiting or feelings of not being able to stomach anything. Different types (like maltodextrin, glucose, fructose) absorb differently in your body (imagine 3 different channels), so using a combination prevents one overloading and getting congested.

Q: Is a “gel only” fuel strategy a reasonable option?

A: It can be if you’re running a marathon or less and use gels with fructose and maltodextrin. Often for runs any longer than this, it’s best to use a few different types of carbohydrate sources (see question above).

Q: Is carb loading the night beforehand really necessary, especially if you’re fuelling during the run?

A: Carbohydrate loading is helpful to overload the muscle carbohydrate (or glycogen) stores for any runs over 3-4 hours. If you’re running for around 3 hours or less, you don’t need to carbohydrate load and instead, eat well the day before, have a carbohydrate rich snack/ meal an hour or so before running and then fuel during (every 45-60 minutes).

Q: Is it okay to eat fat and protein during long runs?

A: For most runners running up to 4-5 hours, carbohydrates and a little bit of protein is fine to take on. For runs long than this like trail runs and ultra runs, taking in some more protein and fat (along with carbohydrates) is helpful to manage energy needs, satiety and also prevent flavour fatigue. Make sure you practice this in training first and stick to simple foods, as protein and fat does take longer to digest and may cause discomfort for some runners.

Q: What’s best - carbs as fluid, solids or a mix?

A: We have worked with runners who use fluids only, solids only and a mix for their carbohydrates. How you fuel will depend on a few factors:

  • How long you’re running for

  • What your gut tolerates

  • What your needs are (if you need more than 60g carbohydrates, can you get this just from solids or do you need fluids as well…for example)

  • Hydration needs (sodium needs, sweat losses, etc)

  • What you can carry and what you can “eat” easily

Q: Iron issues with long distance training - should I get tested regularly.

A: Yes, it’s helpful to get routine blood tests every 3 months - particularly if you struggle with your iron levels, you have been increasing your loads recently, or have transitioned to a plant based eating diet.

Q: How many calories should you take in each hour and how do you work it out for yourself?

A: I like to work of carbohydrates per hour. For slower runners, starting at 30g/hour is good and then building from there. For faster runners, aiming for 40-60g/ hour is good. Try this in training and note how your energy levels are, or if you’re struggling to focus or battling cramps. If you feel you’re lacking energy, trying taking in a bit more. Some endurance athletes can need 80g+ of carbohydrates at times.

Q: Best gluten free options to have that are not highly processed?

A: Most gels, sports drinks and chews are gluten free, but whole food alternatives include:

  • Gluten free jam / GF vegemite sandwiches

  • Energy Bites

  • Bike Brownies

  • Steamed potatoes

  • Homemade muesli bars

  • Dried fruit

What is the best way to incorporate healthy, high calorie snacking?

A: If you need to increase your energy intake, it’s good to start with boosting snacks and meals with extra foods first, then use supplements if needed, like protein and energy powders. Our top ways include:

  • Eating more around training (before, during and after)

  • Smoothies with milk (cow’s or soy milk), fruit, nuts or yoghurt (or scoop protein powder)

  • High protein yoghurts or Protein Chocolate Mousse

  • Sprinkling extra cheese on meals or in meals

  • Using extra virgin olive oil or macadamia oil in cooking, over salads and pastas

  • Having an extra handful of nuts or avocado in snacks

  • Big handful of trail mix for a snack

  • Homemade energy bites (with nuts, seeds, optional protein powder and dried fruit)

Q: What do you eat during an event when you can’t get anything into your mouth?

A: Mouth rinse a carbohydrate fluid or gel in your mouth and spit out. This stimulates a similar response to as if you were ingesting carbohydrates. After doing this, try take something in again after 30 minutes - small sip of sports drink, flat coke or a lolly. Sometimes taking a caffeine supplement can help reduce gut discomfort for runners too (but be cautious).

Q: How long to eat before a run and what this meal should consist of?

A: For most runners, aiming for some carbohydrates before a run is ideal, with a little bit of protein.

  • 2-3 hours before: aim for a meal with 1-2 fist sizes of carbohydrates and some quality protein (such peanut butter on toast/ sandwich; pasta dish; rice dish; sandwich with lean meat and salad)

  • 30-90 mins before: a carbohydrate rich snack such as: 1-2 slices toast with spread, smoothie, yoghurt, rice pudding, fruit or fruit juice, energy bar/ muesli bar.

TIP: Practice in easy training sessions first, then in race simulation runs so you are comfortable doing this on event day.

Q: Hydration needs?

A: Hydration needs will vary for each runner, and will vary depending on the season. Most runners will need between 400-800ml fluid per hour, but we’ve worked with some runners who need over 1.5L / hour. To estimate how much fluid you need, you can do a fluid test in training. Do this in each session as the temperature and humidity changes, and when possible do it in similar event day conditions.

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